Prof. Margarita López Trascasa / Dr. Fernando Corvillo Rodríguez
Complement System Research Group
Instituto de
Investigación del Hospital Universitario La Paz (IdiPAZ)
Paseo de la Castellana, 261. 28046 Madrid (Spain)
+34 912071026
Team members
Prof. Margarita López Trascasa (Team leader)
Fernando Corvillo Rodríguez, PhD (Post
doctoral Researcher)
Alberto López Lera, PhD (Post doctoral Researcher)
Pilar Nozal Aranda, PhD (Immunologist

Equipment and facilities
- Immunohistochemistry Unit
- Cell Culture
- Microscopy Unit
- Immunochemistry Tools
- Molecular Biology
Topics of interest
Acquired lipodystrophies, complement system, autoimmunity
- Corvillo F, Akinci B. An overview of lipodystrophy and the role of the complement system. Mol Immunol. 2019 Aug;112:223-232. doi: 10.1016/j.molimm.2019.05.011.
- Corvillo F, Okrój M, Nozal P, Melgosa M, Sánchez-Corral P, López-Trascasa M. Nephritic Factors: An Overview of Classification, Diagnostic Tools and Clinical Associations. Front Immunol. 2019 Apr 24;10:886. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.00886. eCollection 2019.
- Autoantibodies Against Perilipin 1 as a Cause of Acquired Generalized Lipodystrophy. Corvillo F, Aparicio V, López-Lera A, Garrido S, Araújo-Vilar D, de Miguel MP, López-Trascasa M. Front Immunol. 2018 Sep 19;9:2142. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02142. eCollection 2018.
- Complement as a diagnostic tool in immunopathology. López-Lera A, Corvillo F, Nozal P, Regueiro JR, Sánchez-Corral P, López Trascasa M. Semin Cell Dev Biol. 2018 Jan 12. pii: S1084-9521(17)30146-5. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2017.12.017
- Acquired partial lipodystrophy and C3 glomerulopathy: Dysregulation of the complement system as a common pathogenic mechanism. Corvillo F, López-Trascasa M. Nefrologia. 2017 Dec 23. pii: S0211-6995(17)30227-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nefro.2017.10.002. [Epub ahead of print] English, Spanish.
- Paixão-Cavalcante D, López-Trascasa M, Skattum L, Giclas PC, Goodship TH, de Córdoba SR, Truedsson L, Morgan BP, Harris CL. Sensitive and specific assays for C3 nephritic factors clarify mechanisms underlying complement dysregulation. Kidney Int. 2012 Nov;82(10):1084-92. doi: 10.1038/ki.2012.250.