Digital patient seminar - Ulm University Hospital and NetLip
On the occasion of this year's World Lipodystrophy Day, the Lipodystrophy Center at Ulm University Hospital, in cooperation with Leipzig University Hospital and the German patient network "NetLip," is hosting a digital patient seminar on Tuesday, April 9th. This online seminar is for patients, family members, healthcare professionals or anyone interested – everyone is welcome to participate. Attendance is free of charge, and no registration is required.
The patient seminar is designed to provide a platform for information and experience exchange. The event will also offer interesting insights into the biology of lipodystrophy and leptin, a hormone produced by adipose tissue. Additionally, the seminar will address the importance of data collection in rare diseases and the role of nutrition and genetics in lipodystrophy. At the end of the online seminar, there will be time for questions that the participating experts will be happy to answer.
The patient network "NetLip" will also introduce itself during the event. After the seminar, there will be an opportunity to participate in a video chat with other affected individuals to get to know each other!
For more information, see the BROCHURE of the event.
X ECLip Annual Meeting 2025: see you in Paris!
The X ECLip Annual Meeting will be held in Paris (France) in May 2025
(20-21, followed by International Laminopathy meeting on 22-23 May)
at the Sorbonne University.
The symposium will be organized by Dr. Corinne Vigouroux and Dr. Camille Vatier.
IX ECLip Annual Meeting 2023: a success, again!
More than 100 participants from Europe, USA, South America and the Middle East at ECLip 2023 held last September 28-29. The symposium was organized by Prof. Ferruccio Santini and Prof. Giovanni Ceccarini and Dr. Caterina Pelosini from the University of Pisa.
The next ECLip will be in spring (March) 2025 at the Sorbonne University in Paris, organized by Corinne Vigouroux and Camille Vatier.
The one in September 2026 will be in Turkey (City to be determined).
Download the program HERE
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar, re-elected President of the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies (ECLip)
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar has been re-elected president of the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies (ECLip) for a second successive term. ECLip is an excellence network of clinical and basic research in rare lipodystrophies that brings together 57 groups from 27 countries all around the world. His appointment came as part of the ECLip General Assembly hold last week in Pisa, which addressed the renewal of the board of directors of the Consortium in addition to holding its IX symposium.
Goberning Board of ECLip:
Registration and abstract submission are open for the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies
Dear Colleagues,
behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to inform you that
both the on line registrations and abstract submission are open for the
4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, taking place in in Madrid,
Spain from May 9 to 12, 2023.
Registration is simple and can be
completed in a few easy steps. Once you have registered to participate
in the conference, you can then submit your abstract via your online
account (private area).
You are invited to submit abstracts to be
included as part of the conference programme for either oral or poster
presentations. Please enter the conference website and click on the Abstract Submission tab.
Here you will find detailed instructions, key dates, guidelines and
conditions. General Topics are also available to be selected at the time
of submission.
We kindly remind you that the deadline for early bird registration and abstract submission is March 12th.
hope that the content of the conference will be of your interest. We
look forward to your participation and welcoming you to Madrid.
Best Regards,
Technical Secretariat
4th International Meeting on Laminopathies 2023 (Madrid, 9-12 May)
Dear Friends,
We are pleased to announce the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies, taking place in Madrid, Spain on May 9-12, 2023. The meeting will be open to researchers, physicians and patients from around the world with the main goal of synergistically exchange knowledge and ideas to better understand laminopathies and help develop new therapies. As in previous editions celebrated in Marseille, Bologna, and London, the meeting will include sessions focused on molecular mechanisms, clinical aspects, disease-modeling, as well as therapeutic strategies.
Although we have a preliminary agenda with exciting speakers, we are expecting more contributions from research and clinical groups as well as patient associations. The meeting will be an extraordinary opportunity to share your work on laminopathies in front of the best possible audience.
Please visit the meeting's website ( or send us an email ([email protected]) for more information. You can also check for updates by following our Twitter account (
Registration and abstract submission will open in January 2023. We encourage you to save the date and consider contributing to the meeting.
Thank you for helping us spread the word about the 4th International Meeting on Laminopathies. We look forward to seeing you in Madrid.
Best regards,
Organizing committee
Ignacio Pérez de Castro
Gisèle Bonne
Vicente Andrés
Giovanna Lattanzi
David Araújo-Vilar
8th July 2020 Webinar: Link for registration
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar, elected President of the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies (ECLip)
Prof. David Araújo-Vilar has just been elected president of the European Consortium of Lipodystrophies (ECLip), an excellence network of clinical and basic research in rare lipodystrophies that brings together 51 groups from 22 countries in both Europe, United States, Egypt and United Arab Emirates. His appointment came as part of the ECLip General Assembly hold recently in Burgos, which addressed the renewal of the board of directors of the Consortium in addition to holding its fourth meeting.
Goberning Board of ECLip:

ECLip 2019: a success!
2020 ECLip Annual Meeting
Save the date! 15-16th October 2020
LipoDDx is finally available!
More info at:
Open Call to hire PhD candidate at UETeM (Spain)
A student PhD position is available in the UETeM group: the call for Contracts of Initiation to the Investigation of the CiMUS 2019 is already open.
Ten contracts are offered, part time (18.5h / week) and 659 € gross for a maximum of 12 months, starting on 15th October 2019.
Requirements: Applicants must be enrolled in the 2018-2019 course:
· In an official master's degree in Experimental and Health Sciences or equivalent, in any University
· Or in the first year of a Doctoral Program of the USC and hold the
degree of degree / degree in Pharmacy, Veterinary or Medicine
2019 ECLip-AELIP Annual Meeting: Preliminary programme available
CREER centre
Bernardino Obregón, 24
09001 Burgos (Spain)
2019 ECLip Annual Meeting
Save the dates! 4-5th October 2019
CREER centre
Bernardino Obregón, 24
09001 Burgos (Spain)
Coming soon: Program and details about traveling to meeting centre and accomodation.